Goals of the project
USE:FUL aims at improving our students' results and helping them become more autonomous and information avid. They should realize that their education, both through school work and life experiences, greatly improves the chances of a better life for them and the communities they live in.
By enabling our students to get to know the foundations of the European Union (EU), its guidelines, strengths and weaknesses, we are contributing to more conscious youngsters as knowledge provides enlightening and the power of choosing. Simultaneously, autonomous learning also promotes digital literacy grounded on more innovative, open and inclusive learning/teaching activities. One must not lose the focal point, i.e., our youngsters are 21st century students who need to be capable of learning by themselves much more than being the mere recipients of information.
By doing research, learning, discussing results, improving critical thinking and their reasoning ability, amongst others, our students will be able to perform much better, become more confident adults, more aware of their problems and of those around them and more capable of fighting to promote the changes they see fit. This learning process also improves their ability to perform collaborative work, to lead a team or to be led, still being able of issuing their opinions, making suggestions and contributing to a better and fairer world.
By the end, they will have enlarged not only their knowledge on the EU, but also built on their competences, acquired new skills and enabled others.
Dealing with new technologies per se will help attain another objective: students and teachers will become digital citizens, an essential competence in every field of life. We should not forget the importance of communicating in English and the impact it can have in our students' future.
We are six secondary schools from six countries - Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria Los Cardones in Tenerife (Spain), Istituto Istruzione Superiore "A. Zoli" in Atri (Italy), Gymnázium Sušice in Sušice (Czech Republic), Colegiul Economic Dimitrie Cantemir in Suceava (Romania), III Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. Unii Lubelskiej w Lublinie in Lublin (Poland) and Escola Secundária de Almeida Garrett in Vila Nova de Gaia (Portugal) - that share a sincere interest in helping our students become both active EU citizens and qualified professionals and believe that, by implementing this project, we will achieve these goals.